These remedies are based on the principle of Spagyric and homeopathy now better known as a Spagyric homeo therapy.

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Spagyric Therapy

Spagyric Therapy Fundamental Principles Above stated features comes under the four principles written below, which are therapy’s foundation. They remained unchanged over the hundred years as...

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Spagyric Remidies

These remedies are based on the principle of Spagyric and homeopathy now better known as a Spagyric Electro homeo therapy. These remedies are manufactured as Spagyric method.

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Spagyric Method

COHOBATION METHOD: For preparation of medicines Count Mattei relied upon the Cohobation process of Paracelsus by which Spagiric tinctures of all the plants are extracted.

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Spagyric therapy provides powerful energetic and biochemical effects.

The medications blend spagyrically-processedherbs, synergistic minerals and homeopathic substances to support optimal excretion of toxins, cleansing of the extracellular matrix and restoration ofproper physiological function.

Spagyric Therapy Fundamental Principles Above stated features comes under the four principles written below, which are therapy’s foundation. They remained unchanged over the hundred years as their truth is demonstrated through successful treatment of the sick person.

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Spagyric Therapy Fundamental Principles Above stated features comes under the four principles written below, which are therapy’s foundation.

Spagyric therapy provides powerful energetic and biochemical effects. The medications blend spagyrically-processedherbs, synergistic minerals and homeopathic substances to support optimal excretion of toxins, cleansing of the extracellular matrix and restoration ofproper physiological function.

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